Friday, February 19, 2010

Tiger Woods

The Tiger Woods saga has become one of the leading stories in sports the past few months, for a variety of reasons. In sport marketing we are getting ready to discuss, “perception” and the mind of a consumer. Watch the press conference of Tiger Wood’s apology. His image coupled with an amazing golf game, propelled him to mega-endorsement deals and financial success. One could say there was a “positive image” associated with Tiger Woods. Can a “press conference” heal a damaged reputation? It would be hard to argue that his image has not been tarnished. However, how much damage has been done? More importantly regarding our class – what implications will his press conference speech have on future endorsements for him, golf television ratings, and the golf industry? Share your thoughts.


  1. I just listened to Tiger Woods’ statement. It sounds to me like he won’t be playing on the PGA Tour for a while. It’s unfortunate. He is my favorite golfer. I just hope he straightens out his issues.

  2. I just watched Tiger's press conference and thought it was a step in the right direction. America is very forgiving and willing to give second chances. One thing that could make everyone forget about Tiger's mistakes would be winning a couple majors. Winning seems to heal all wounds in sports.

  3. Having the press conference was something Tiger needed to do. Although, I don't know how much it actually helped heal his reputation. It is in golfs best interest for Tiger to start playing again as soon as possible. Tiger is the main reason golf is what it is today. He is the reason ratings have been going up so much year after year. As far as his press conference, to me it seemed too controlled. He did seem sorry but he did not show much emotion. Once he starts playing again it is unrealistic to think that the media will let this go. Even when he starts winning again, he is going to get questions about this until he answers them rather then just reading a prepared statement.

  4. I thought having a press conference was something he needed to do. I don't think he helped his image much, but he didn't hurt it anymore either. I believe that with time and future success his image will be rebuilt and the sponsorships will start coming back. Look at what happened to Kobe Bryant. He was on trial for rape and with time and success most have forgotten about it and he is as marketable as ever. Time heals most things in the sports world but with that said I believe he needs to start playing again fairly soon. The PGA needs him and the casual fan is losing interest in the game.

  5. The press conference is not going to heal his damaged reputation. However, from what I got out of it he is heading in the right direction and I think as long as he does what he says he's going to do, in time he will be back on top of the world. This situation will never completely go away, but if Tiger is able to make a complete change, this could gain the respect of all past and future fans. I feel his actions in his personal life should be handled privately and not for the world to see. However, when he returns to golf he needs to act like a professional on the course. Over the past couple years I had noticed that Tiger's temper and etiquette on the course seemed to be getting worse and worse. It's tough to tell the world's best golfer how to act, and I think that all contributed to his issues. Golf ratings will struggle until Tiger returns. However, when he does, I think the ratings will probably hit record highs as everyone will be interested to see him back on the course.

  6. I think his image will be tarnished forever. It will have the same effect I think that steroids had on some baseball players like A-rod and Barry Bonds. I think people may not think about it as the years go on but I don't think people will forget. This will defiantly hurt his image for marketing products. Many people won't by things with his face on the cover because it doesn't represent what is right. This press conference doesn't mean anything because of course he is going to apologize because he got caught. If he knew it was wrong then why did he do it. I will still watch him on the golf course though and I'm sure many others will as well.

  7. I don't think a press conference can heal his damaged reputation. Him saying "sorry" isn't going to change what has already been done. I think this press conderence is something that was expected from everyone. I don't know the extent of the damage but I would imagine he lost of alot of respect from people. I think eventually people will let this go, it may take some time however. I don't think comapnies will be willing to sponsor him anytime soon, maybe in the future. I think the golf television ratings and golf industry will stay about the same. Tiger is still a good golfer and fun to watch.

  8. I do believe that a press conference featuring Tiger apologizing was needed, however I do not believe it can heal his damaged reputation at this point. I think there is no doubt there will be a decrease in television ratings and attendace at PGA events when Tiger is out. There are many people who only enjoyed watching the events because they had a chance to see Tiger do something amazing. Without Tiger out there, many viewers will tune out. There is also a good chance that Tiger will keep losing endorsements unless he gets back on the tour and starts winning some tournaments. I do not believe the golf industry as a whole will suffer too much. I think Tiger needs to get back on the tour as soon as possible and try to put everything else behind him. As soon as he can forgot about the past, so will the fans.

  9. I really didnt see why he needed to hold a press conference its really only his problem and nobody elses. But i do believe that this has tarnished his legacy. Im sure that his fans will continue to watch him no matter what becuase he is such a great golfer.
    -jimmy w

  10. Tiger is a great golfer and I think that the golf industry and the tv ratings will stay the same because what he did will not affect his golf fans although there is no reaason for his press release because I don't believe he is actually sorry for he did what he did and mulitiple times. I think that he screwed up his marketing because no one wants to see his face on their marketing since it represents such a horrible thing.

  11. From what I know about the whole Tiger Saga is that some of the endorsers have not waited for this press conference and have either dropped Tiger completely or are still with him. Nike and EA sports his two biggest sponsors have not dropped him because those two are synanomous with golf and it is a big brand name so the company would be taking a hit. But if Kobe Bryant can get over a scandal of his own and is now back to one of the key figures in the NBA who is to say with the right steps Tiger can not do the same thing.

    -Ben Siedow

  12. I don't see the press conference doing much for what has happened, but I do believe that he can easily bounce back from this low. Tiger put golf on the map all over the world. golfers are now getting paid more because of him. I think it would be a bad idea if his sponsors keep dropping him. He's going to play golf and still be amazing. People will still watch him play. I know I will. I think the ratings will stay around the same. People started to watch golf because of Tiger but now they know more golfers and enjoy watching them as well.

  13. After watching the press conference, I felt it was a step forward in his progression back into professional golf, however, I do believe he needed to do this quite awhile ago... This delay in addressing the public, as well as reading what looked like a scripted speech, I don't think did much to aid him in his return and as a result, I don't see many mainstream companies running back to him any time soon.

  14. I don’t think a press conference by itself will do much to heal his reputation. During his speech he said that his true apology will come by actions and not by words. If he really cleans up how he has been acting on and off the course his image will begin to heal itself. Like Ben said, he still has two of his larger sponsors in EA sports and Nike. I don’t think tiger really cares about the sponsors that dropped him because he is the first billionaire athlete. There is no question that television ratings are down while he is out. The PGA Tour Commissioner has been on ESPN and has already said that the tour would have a tough time surviving without him.

  15. I believe that the press conference helped Tiger. Like other people said America is a forgiving place and we give people second chances. When Tiger starts to play again and starts to win we will forget all about this. It has happened with other big name athletes. Kobe Bryant was accused of sexual harassment a few years ago but we dont hear anyone talking about that anymore because he keeps winning and being the best basketball player out there right now.

  16. Well it's safe to say that a single apology is not going to make Tiger's indiscretions magically disapear, however, it's a start none the less and I think thats really what people want to see, is that he is trying to right to his wrongs. It's my opinion that any publicity is good publicity to a certain extent. Granted his popularity is probably at an all time low they are talking about him on every channel and soon enough this whole saga will be "old news" and as long as he can still win tournaments he will be just fine and so will his endorsdments and the PGA as well.

  17. Im not sure that a press conference can totally heal a person's reputation. I do belive that Tiger needed to address the media, and say that he is sorry for what he did because of what a huge icon he is. Tiger has lost many endorsements and is stll continuing to lose more, which is respectable due to Tiger's negative image right now. He will have to prove that he has changed and continue to have success on the PGA tour to gain back sponsors and endorsements.

  18. The press conference was the second step for recovering from his actions. It has been four months since the uncovering of Tiger's disease. It is good to hear that he has been going through therapy to try to change his ways. This is the first step that he has taken to regain his status. I would believe that he probably was disappointed with losing sponsors on top of being upset with himself for being caught. He is a ridiculously profiting athlete and the only thing he has to worry about is how to get back on board with golf and try to learn from this mistake so it doesn't hurt his future even more.

  19. The press conference was need for him to try and help his reputation. His reputation as a person has been ruined. Tiger's golf reputation has not been ruined however. He is still the best player in the world. A lot of people would only tune into golf on TV to watch him play. I think ratings will drop because if he does not participate.

  20. Tiger's reputation is tarnished a press conference isn't going to make everything he did alright. If he can continue his good behavior it well help people believe that he is a good person and it will help his reputation. TV ratings will drop while he isn't playing but when he returns PGA ratings will jump back up to where they were. When he first comes back there will probably be even more interest to see how he performs after this whole ordeal.

  21. Tiger Woods' reputation is obviously tarnished as he indulged in many transgressions but i think the press conference will give him some leeway in the future. The Media and the public always seem to give athletes a second chance when they mess up becuase, obviously they're human. The first year the media will scrutnize everything he does but eventually they will lay off and let Tiger do his thing. I also believe endorsements will come back around, too, if Tiger can show he's truly remorseful for his actions and be a positive role model in the future.

  22. I think that his initial imamge will be greatly hurt just because the fact that he is such a big figure in the sports world and what he did was wrong. But I think people realize that not everyone is perfect and more people will forgive him rather than hold a grudge against him. I think that it tool a lot of guts to get in front of people and apologize like he did (whether he wrote the speech or not) and that fans will also remember that. But overall when he gets back on the golf course and starts winning again the incident will be forgotten and life will go on for the best golfer in the world.

  23. I thought his press conference could have been more from the heart and not so scripted. He should have said mostly what his thoughts were and taken some questions. I think the press conference was a good thing for him to do but it is also expected of him as a profesional athlete and celebrity. Therefore just having a press conference and apologizing for his wrong doings like every one does is not going to rebuild his image and reputation.
    I think though if he puts forth a lot of effort and time into getting better and working this ordeal out he will one day return to his good image.
    When he returns to golf it will be when he has made sure he is ready and everything has blown off a good amount. He then will begin to see the endorsement deals being offered to him again.

  24. After reading everyones posts, it looked as if everyone had mix feelings about Tiger Woods press conference. As for me, I thought it looked a litte to scripted. This press conference is something that Tiger needed to do but I thought it should have came sooner. I think if Tiger would have faced the media immediatly it could have helped him get the media off his back. With that said, Tiger is not in a good position with the media at this point along with his fans. Tigers reputation has been damaged. Tiger made a mistake or multiple mistakes and has hurt his family, friends and fans. This is very hard to come back from. To be honest, I think tiger is to embarrassed to golf at this point. His endorsments are diminishing and he is losing his reputation. As for the golf industry, the ratings have dropped since Tiger has not been participating but I do believe that they will pick up when the bigger tournaments come around. Tiger may return to golf but time will tell how fans will look at him in the future.
