Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A Career in Sport

As a student in this major, you are most likely interested in a future career in sport or recreation. What type of job in sports are you interested in? Share with the class your career aspirations. Why did you select this path? In regards to your chosen profession, what should someone know about the sport industry? If you are unsure of your future career path, discuss one possible area of sport you might be interested in and answer the same questions. Be ready to discuss further in class on Friday.


  1. I would like to become a baseball coach or instructor. I would like to coach at the college level or own my own baseball training facility. I enjoy being able to pass on my knowledge of the game of baseball to other players. I also enjoy watching the players I teach improve on their skill level. For anyone who is going to get involved in coaching they should learn how to communicate well. A lot of coaching deals with communication between players, coaches, and parents.

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  3. The type of sports career path I am looking into is Athletic/Activity Directing in a High School setting. I selected this path because I knew I always want to work with kids someway. I was going to get my teaching degree, but I don't really see that being my path. I know how much of a positive influence athletics and other extra-curriculars were in my high school career and I want to help pass that importance onto students that I will be working with.

    Regarding my chosen career path, there are many things you need to know about the sports industry. First of all, as an athletic director you need to know a great deal about all of the sports and activities you are directing. There is also time management skills that are needed as well as the ability to adjust to certain situations. Also, I believe that ethics is a very important part of sport. As an athletic director or coach, I believe that your coaching/directing philosophies should be ethical in order to best help the students you are working with.

  4. My future career goal is to work with the Minnesota Wild. As many of you know I love hockey and am very familiar with the sport. I am paticularily interested in working in the public relations side. Working in public Relations includes things like getting the players out to meet with the community at places such as the Boys and Girls Club, Childrens Hospitals, and holding fundraisers that raise money, hockey gear, etc to donate to teams and players who cannot afford safe hockey equipment. I am intersted in this because I would like to give back to the community everything that it has given to me over the past 21 years. I think every child should have the same amount of opportunities. I also like working with little kids and knowing that I can have a positive impact on their lives would make me happy. Plus who doesn't want to work with pro athletes?? :)

  5. I am not completely sure on what i would like to do for a career. Yes, obviously it will be something to do with Recreation or Sports Management in some way. Some career paths that I am interested in are:
    Athletic Director (College preferably, or HS)
    College Coach
    Gym Manager
    General Manager for a sports team (Pro or Amature)

    I have not decided which direction for sure i would like to pursue but which ever area I choose will be great because of my love for sports and recreation.

  6. I am not completely sure what area I would like to enter into. One area I have considered is an athletic director and a basketball coach most likely at the high school level. I started as a business major, but after realizing I needed to be around sports to really enjoy my career I switched to this major. For my first practicum, I helped an athletic director at a small high school and I really enjoyed that kind of setting. Also, I have always loved the game of basketball and I have been a student of the game for a long time. I liked learning new strategies in different situations. For these reasons I believe I would enjoy coaching as well. For this career it is important to know about the different activities that are available for students. Another thing I learned is important is budgeting. Time management is needed to keep scheduling activities running smoothly.

  7. I have recently been leading towards scouting football. I would love to work for a professional team, but I would also take a job with a college in scouting. I have been leading towards this path because I am a big football fan and I like to evaluate players and their abilities. It is important to have great football knowledge and to be open to traveling a lot.

  8. I would like to be a coach one day in high school sports either in high school basketball or high school football. I would also like to help market a sports team of any kind I am open to any team. I like all kinds of sports so I feel it would be easy to market any sport. I selected this path because of the fact that my coaches in basketball and football had in impact in my life so I thought it would only be right to give back to my coaches by helping and teaching kids what I know about sports. I also think sports are important in building someone for the future and think that if anyone can participate in sports it will benefit them in the long run.

  9. I think that I personally like the facility management side. I would love to be a facility manager at one of the bigger sports complexes here in Minnesota. One of the reasons I decided I would like to pursue this is from all my experience as being a building manager here at Halenbeck. In this position one should know how to be a good leader as a person and be able to lead big events.

  10. The area in recreation which I am pursuing is outdoor recreation. It is a growing section of recreation and offers numerous types of jobs and growth. As a beginner, I see myself as a sea kayak guide on the Alaskan coast. As I age and gain experience, I would like to incorporate my travel & tourism minor into my career and utilize my outdoor rec background around the world. My history of employment with Outdoor Endeavors has helped shape my career goals. It was on a trip with OE that I realized that this was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life, regardless of the money. 1 thing people should know about the industry is its growing popularity. The variety of different activities one can take advantage of supports this trend in growth. I think all recreational leaders should immerse themselves in outdoor rec at least once to gain a better understanding of the ways people can develop outside of the classroom setting.

  11. I am unsure of what exactly I want to do for a career. I completed my two practicums in the area of public recreation, one for St. Cloud Recreation and the other for Campus Rec. I enjoyed both of them because of the diversity of the activities and the participants. One important thing about the public recreation area is dealing with budgets. There must be a variety of quality programs offered but they all must fit within the budget.

  12. I am planning on going into the health and fitness field as well as coaching hopefully at the college level. I am drawn to fitness because it is a necessary part of living a healthy life. I want to help to teach others the proper way to work out and give them an understanding of how to increase the efficiency and production of their exercises. I also am interested in coaching track and field, with a main focus on the throwing events. In both areas I would be passing my knowledge on to others and helping them to reach their personal goals. One thing to point out is that health and fitness is a growing industry and I think that as the baby boomer generation keeps aging they will be a large target market for promoting this field.

  13. I would like to become a baseball coach or a baseball scout for college or pro teams. Ive been playing baseball since i was 5 and have acquired alot of knowledge about the game. I want to go into this area becuase i like to help people achieve their dreams of playing baseball at the next level.

  14. The career I would most like to enter into is being a head baseball coach at a college or high school level. I think this would be a great career for me because I have been around baseball my entire life. I also have the advantage of my cousin being the head coach of the St. Mary's baseball team, so I have someone to ask for advice when I need it. To be a baseball coach a person really needs to know the game very well, and has to be able to pass on their knowledge to their players. A coach needs to be a leader and a teacher to be effective.

  15. I have not narrowed my focus down to one specific job but I would like to work in an athletic department of a major college or work for the Minnesota Vikings in a front office position. I chose this path because of the excitement that surrounds sports and the opportunities that it presents.

  16. I really don't know exactly what I want my career to be. I have interest in working for some city in the recreation department. Other thoughts have been a career in the the extreme sports I am involved in. One thing I feel passion about it giving people opportunities to get involved in sports. Sports for me has done a lot. I believe that someone who plans on giving others opportunities for any sport this person is going to have to know about as much as they can about all and any kind of sports. Most of all this person has to know how to organize and program to be able to provide the people with opportunities.

  17. My main focus is recreation and specificly outdoor recreation and education. I have always beeen a huge fan of the outdoors whether it be hunting and fishing or camping and canoeing, anything outdoors interest me. During my time at SCSU I have realized that ultimately what I would like to do is educate others about the wonders of nature. I feel the best way to do this is to become a naturalist for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, National Parks or National Forest Service. People need to know that with a dgree in Recreation the possibilities for an amazing career are almost endless, if your willing to explore the possibilities!

  18. I am interested in a job in the scouting area with a college or professional team. I am also looking for a job in the sports marketing industry. I really want a job in one of these two areas because I love sports. Sports have been my whole life and I really don't want to find myself sitting behind a desk all day. People should know that there are tons of jobs and money involved in the sporting industry.

  19. There are a few industries that I am considering right now as i contiue to puruse my degree in rec/sports management. After working with the athletic department last year for my practicum i would like to be a major universities athletic director and have a major, direct influence on young student-athletes and the community surrounding them (plus they make good money). Also, i would like to maybe try to become a baseball or basketball scout. what could be better than getting paid to watch sporting events? Also, the last industry i would like to try would be sports marketing. I think promoting sporting events would be a great way to spend your days working.

  20. I have a few areas that I am interested in. My ideal job would be working in the front office for the Minnesota Wild or the Twins organization. I selected this path because there is so much that goes on behind the scenes in professional sports, and I want to held the team and organizations be successful. I believe that someone going into this field should know many things; such as, budgeting, administration, leadership techniques, and have excellent knowledge of the sport or sports.

  21. I am interested in working in the front office of a pro sports team. This interests me because the process of acquiring people and players in order to make a team successful really appeals to me. I think people in this line of work have to be well rounded and can't rely on just stats in considering who to hire. They also have to have a passion for the game and be willing to spend countless hours on it. These are things I am willing and want to do.

  22. As My experience being the Rec kids coordinator at state I have found that I have a lot of passion forworking with kids. from Looking at my director I would like to go to grad school while working with the schools childrens programming..I believe working with children will not only touch and inspire the kids lives but they also teach us new things and allow us to feel like a child again!

  23. I am looking to do something outdoors, whether its guiding trips or working for a university in their outdoor program. I choose this path because it seemed like a good idea. I wanted the Outdoor Ed minor that came with the major. Also everyone in the world enjoys recreation. so why not join this field. With the outdoor ed part of sport it is very important to be able to communicate well with others and work as a team. Outdoor sports get a bad name a lot because people think they will get hurt, or its to risky, we take all the precautions to minimizes risk. And whats life without a little risk. "Everyman dies, but not everyman truely lives." ~William Wallace

  24. I would like to coach soccer and work at a community recreation center. I selected this path because without recreation in my life i know i would be on a completely different path in life.. and not a good one. Recreation and soccer helped me get my life on track again and I want to do that for others as well. My advice for someone coming into this career would be you have to be able to adjust to change and be flexible. In this career you never know how many people are going to show up for activities or how many players are going to show up for practice, because of this you have to be able to adapt to present conditions and situations.

  25. The career path that I would like to pursue in Recreation and sports management is an athletic director or fitness cordinater. I have always had an interest in both of these careers because of my sports background. I love being involved in sports and with sports comes fitness. Being an athletic director would allow me to be around sports and be a part of the sporting industry in a different way than actually playing. Being a fitness director would give me the opportunity to be involved in fitness and help individuals reach their goals to live healthier and be happy. I would also like to be a coach. Coaching has always been a passion of mine and it is something I love doing.

  26. What I would like to do is not set in stone. There are many areas involved with this major that I would like to go into. I would like to see myself as an all around type of person who is capable of doing more than one job. There are a few things though that I have set my sights on. I would like to work for a professional team anywhere in the US. Either baseball or basketball in the marketing area of the team. Or I would like to be involved with public recreation and be in charge of events or programs that are offered to the community. These two things would be great to do, but like I said earlier I dont want to limit myself to something because I would like the ability to grow and gain knowledge as I go on in life!
